According to the FDA, Sunshine Mills, Inc. Expands Previously Announced Voluntary Recall of Certain Pet Food Products Due to Potentially Elevated Levels of Aflatoxin.

If your dog has consumed any of the Dog Foods manufactured by Sunshine Mills, symptoms of illness include sluggishness or lethargy combined with a reluctance to eat, vomiting, yellowish tint to the eyes or gums, diarrhea, and in some cases, death. Aflatoxin is the by-product of mold on dog food ingredients like corn.

There are approximately fifteen (15) different products/brand names associated with Sunshine Mills. Please check the FDS website if you think you have purchased any of the Sunshine Mills Dog Foods. I have perused the Sunshine Mills website and have NOT found any reference to the recall, which I find shocking and disturbing. However, you will find information about their SQF certification and quality assurance.


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