The Non-Sporting Group is comprised of breeds that for the most part are devoid of having a specific function and are predominantly companion dogs. Non-Sporting is a term used by the AKC, but not by International Kennel Clubs. The assortment of dogs in this group, differs immensely from each other, in appearance, size, and temperament. Boston Terriers, French Bulldogs, Miniature and Standard Poodles, and Shiba Inus are some of the popular Non-Sporting breeds that enrich the lives of many families.
Boston Terrier
Height: 15-17 inches Weight: 12-25 pounds
Life Expectancy: 11-13 years
The Boston Terrier identified by his tight tuxedo jacket has earned the nickname “The American Gentleman” because of his friendly yet well-mannered personality. Best known for a black and white tuxedo coat, the Boston Terrier can also sport a coat of white with brindle or black with a reddish cast.
A perky, portable, people dog, the Boston Terrier is a great city life dog that loves a long walk and socializing along the way.
The Boston Terrier is always eager to please and has an outgoing personality. They do very well with lots of socialization and training early on.
Bull Dog
Height: 14-15 inches Weight: 50 pounds (male), 40 pounds (female)
Life Expectancy: 8-10 years
Height: 17-20 inches Weight: 45-70 pounds
Life Expectancy: 8-12 years
Chows are famously identifiable by their lion’s mane and a blue-black tongue. They can have rough or smooth coats of red, black, blue, cinnamon, or cream.
Pet parents of Chows claim that their dogs are clean and almost odor-free.
Chows are forever and completely loyal to family members but standoffish with strangers. This stubborn breed is not usually a willing participant in training. Harsh and forceful training methods should not be used as this is not a trusting dog. Early socialization and a professional compassionate experienced trainer are recommended.
French Bulldog
Height: 11-13 inches Weight: under 28 pounds
Life Expectancy: 10-12 years
Height: 10-15 inches Weight: 10-15 pounds
Life Expectancy: 10-18 years
Standard Poodle
Height: Over 15 inches (standard) Weight: 60-70 pounds (male), 40-50 pounds (female)
Life Expectancy: 10-18 years
Poodles come in three sizes: Standards, Miniatures, and Toys. All three varieties have the same build and proportions. The versatile Poodle is an extremely intelligent, easily trained, and is as athletic on the field as in the water. Considered to have non-allergenic hair, the Poodle sports a coat in a wide variety of colors and patterns, which requires frequent grooming.
Both the Standard and the Miniature Poodle are classified as Non-Sporting breeds by the AKC. The Toy Poodle is of course classified in the Toy Breed Group.
Large or small, the Poodle is a brave, watchdog, and extremely loyal and loving companion. Socialization and professional training will make this incredibly smart dog grow into an amazingly well-trained dog.