A puppy is just being a puppy. He’s not being bad. The problem is we want him to act human and that’s never going to happen. But he can be a little more human as time goes on if we teach him how to do that and to play by our rules. 
Sometimes, we, the pet parents, are guilty of teaching our puppies the exact behavior we don’t like! So, are we acting more dog-like? Our puppy picks up a slipper, and we chase after him to get it back. We show him how much fun a game of chase is by acting like another puppy.
Moving forward, we also use methods of communication with our dogs that humans use with each other. Furthermore, a dog does not understand hitting, screaming, isolation, avoidance, withholding (affection, food, water, or toys), and time-out. Communication by way of punishment, whether physical or psychological, is a human trait and is not understood by our dogs. They do not analyze the threat or enforcement of punishment and connect it to their last act of unacceptable behavior. Making matters worse, punishment creates fear and less trust.
It is true that a dog will show signs of knowing you are annoyed at them for something they did, but it’s the tension in your body language and anger in your tone of voice that causes them to cower, but they do NOT relate it to what they did wrong.
A time-out is a lightweight form of punishment used on children and puppies. As a parent, I never used a time-out on my child, and as a pet parent, I never used a time-out on my puppy. I always felt that a kid was just being a kid and that giving him a time-out was ignoring whatever the issues at hand were. Addressing the problem and trying to work it out seemed way more beneficial and a learning experience for both of us.
Many pet parents ask me about the method of giving their puppy a time-out when things go haywire, and the puppy is out of control. Here’s what I think. Time-out for the puppy is time off for the pet parent. It’s a Band-Aid used to relieve the stress and frustration the pet parent feels when they don’t know what else to do to get their pup under control. Time-out does not teach a puppy anything. He will not sit in a crate and reflect on what he may have done wrong and decide not to do it again.
Time-out #1
The puppy is put in a crate to stop the unwanted behavior.
A puppy will not associate the time-out with the reason for it. Can we ascribe human characteristics to our dogs? Do we genuinely believe a puppy will reconsider his actions because he’s confined, without toys, in a time-out? Not only is that not going to happen, but using the crate as punishment will create other problems and increase the puppy’s anxiety level.
Time-out #2
The puppy is put outside in the fenced-in backyard.
The idea is to give the puppy a way to release his energy somewhere other than the house. However, your pup can now do whatever he wants: digging, chewing, barking, and jumping. So, what have we taught our dog? We taught him that if he runs, jumps, chews, barks, and bites out of control in the house, he can go outside and do it all he wants to!
What should you do instead? Put the time in to teach your puppy and work through the problem. If your pup is acting out, put his leash on and take him for a brisk walk, even if it’s just inside the house. Then, have some quiet time together.
Try playing games that make your dog work for a reward. Hide treats in the house, so he has to look for them. Put a treat in one hand and let him pick the hand the treat is in before he gets it. Hide toys inside or outside and let him look for them. Then play fetch with the toy.