Kids and dogs—is there a better combination? Most of the time, no. However, you must know your kids and become familiar with dog breeds and their inherent tendencies. Not all breeds and not all dogs are suitable for households with young children. Visit our GROUPS and BREEDS section.
Some pet parents even consider their dogs to be big kids in furry suits. Starting with a puppy or family-oriented rescue dog is generally the best way to go forward while teaching your new furry family member how best to behave and assimilate into your household.
We’ve come so far from the days when dogs lived outside in dog houses, and people didn’t necessarily realize that dogs needed socialization, as they generally are social creatures.
A dog of average intelligence can understand approximately 200 words. When we choose our words carefully, we’ve formed the basis of inter-species communication: We talk, and the dog responds with a particular action. But then again, your dog needs obedience training just as your child learns, first at home, then at school, how to interact with others and behave properly.
Now, I will add another layer of understanding to the mix: child interaction with a dog, particularly a new dog in the household.
“Alpha dog” is a familiar phrase, referring to the pack mentality of dogs and, independently, wolves, who are pack animals. But even as a single dog living in a household, dogs still understand the hierarchy of being pack animals. The household always has one alpha: either the pet parent or the dog. Your tone of voice and body language are most important when establishing dominance. For example, standing taller than your dog and using a louder, more commanding voice when verbally correcting using the word “NO” will help elevate a person to alpha. Even a child should learn to do the same.
When a child is down on the ground with your puppy, the puppy will consider the child to merely be another canine playmate and treat the child as such. Jumping on, standing on, biting, nipping, pulling clothes, fighting over toys, growling, barking, and inviting actions such as tug of war or chase are all dog-to-dog activities that your dog will try to initiate with your child.
Something as simple as having your child sit on a small stool when playing with your pup will enable your child to stand immediately and say “NO” to the puppy when the puppy is biting or jumping. When the puppy stops nipping, give the puppy an appropriate dog toy or chew. This practice can be done for ten to fifteen (10-15) minutes a few times a day, with adult supervision, of course.
When the pet parent assumes the role of alpha, the highest-ranking member of the group, the dog will become more submissive—that is, it will take commands without problems.
Learning the correct way to correct your dog and teaching your child to do the same will help reduce unwanted behavior, especially toward the weakest member of your family: your child. Consistency is the key to success.