When people think of little dogs, they think of cute, baby, sweet, innocent, and less work. Little dogs can have big issues, so I want to talk about some of those issues and clear the air about how “little dogs are so much easier.” In some ways, they are definitely easier to handle and care for, but it all depends on the pet parent, the household lifestyle, and the expectations of life with a dog.
Before I continue with the pros and cons “thing,” I want to discuss biting. If you do a bit of research about the pressure of a dog’s bite, you will find that most claim it to be in the two hundred to three hundred pounds of pressure per square inch range. There are many discrepancies and many theories of how a dog’s bite pressure per square inch (psi) is determined. However, for the purpose of this article, I want to make it clear that even the bite of a small breed dog can do some serious damage, especially to a child.
This is a photo of the metal cap from a baby food jar. The bite mark, which has gone through the metal completely, was done by a nine-pound toy poodle. Let me add that it was done in one quick bite and not over an extended period of time.
Let’s do the pros and cons of having a small dog.
1. You can scoop them up and carry them anywhere.
2. The amount of their urine and stool is smaller.
3. They can use pee pads if you are unable to take your dog out.
4. They eat less.
5. They’re less destructive.
6. They’re easier to walk with less pulling strength.
7. You can travel with them on a commercial airline and some railways.
8. Bedding, clothing, and other supplies are less expensive.
9. If you sleep with them, they occupy less room in the bed.
10. Smaller breeds tend to live longer than large breeds.
11. Bathing is easier, and grooming is less expensive.
12. You don’t have to walk them in bad weather if they are pee pad trained.
1. They need more nutritional care, especially as puppies.
2. They are more susceptible to illness and complications like hypoglycemia.
3. Little dogs tend to bark more than large breeds.
4. Toy-breed dogs usually do not like to go out in the rain or bad weather or walk on wet grass.
5. Small dogs are easily injured.
6. They can easily become dehydrated.
7. They tend to walk in front of you and tangle the leash.
8. They may trip you in your home or outside, causing you or both of you injury.
9. Walking up or down the stairs is more difficult.
10. Jumping on or off the couch or bed is not possible or cause injuries.
11. Small breed dog are more finicky about eating.
12. Not advisable to leave a small dog unattended outside.
Sometimes, the smaller the dog, the more difficult it is to train! Now you’re thinking…why did she say that? Because we coddle them instead of correcting them.
Don’t get me wrong. I LOVE little dogs, and I have my own, as you know. But as a trainer, I get more calls from people with small breeds than large ones.
Most of the homes I visit for training have a toy breed dog that is not house-trained or even pee pad-trained. Additionally, I get calls about Toy Poodles, Chihuahuas, and Yorkies that rule the roost, and their human families are afraid of them because they snap and bite and terrorize members of the household. When I visited their home for the first time, they locked the dog in a kennel because they feared it would bite me. This is not a joke, and getting bitten is certainly not funny.
So, if you have a situation like that, here’s some advice. Because these toy breeds are so adorable and almost puppy-like forever, people tend to carry them around or pick them up when they are doing something inappropriate instead of trying to correct them or teach them. In the dog’s mind, he can or he can’t! If a dog does something unacceptable and is picked up, you validate his inappropriate behavior. You gave him affection for chewing your Jimmy Choo shoes. You told him that barking and biting your leg was the way for him to get attention. So he will, without a shadow of a doubt, keep doing it.
The second thing to remember is that the higher the dog’s head is, the more he is in control. SERIOUSLY! Nine out of ten times, when I go to a home with a small dog that terrorizes everyone, the dog’s first instinct is to jump up on the highest part of a couch or chair so he is higher or more even with me.
First, put a leash on him inside the house and keep him on the ground. As soon as you get him off the couch, his attitude will change. If you are down on the floor with him in a puppy play position, he will take charge. So what do you do? Stand up and say “NO.”. Use a firm voice if he does something wrong. As soon as he stops, tell him “GOOD BOY” and pet him. He’ll get the idea.
Little dogs also tend to get less exercise. And “YES,” I believe a bored dog will get into more trouble. Get out there and take that little guy for a walk, play ball with him, and stop letting him make his own decisions. He’s a teenager with nothing but time on his hands, looking for something to do. Well, it’s time to TAKE AWAY THE CAR KEYS! It’s a complex concept for most people to accept, but dogs prefer structure and a place in the family unit. Dogs are very smart, big or little, and if they can get away with doing something, they will keep doing it, just like us!