Having a companion dog means never being alone. Not only can walking a dog make someone feel less detached, but it can also be a way to meet other people. Petting a dog causes our brain to release endorphins, creating better mental and emotional health by lowering depression and stress. According to many studies about seniors with and without pets, those with pets have lower blood pressure, a lower incidence of heart disease, fewer medical issues in general, and recover more quickly from illness and surgery. Walking a dog increases our need for daily activity, thereby improving our physical health. Additionally, senior pet parents tend to sleep better.

Having to take care of a dog is a big responsibility. But that’s actually a GOOD THING!  The routine of feeding, walking, and nurturing a dog may give a person something more positive to focus their attention on, making daily life more interesting and pleasant.



As a trainer, I work with many senior pet parents, and it always delights me to see how devoted they are to their puppies or adult dogs and the other way around. Much more time is devoted to the family dog when kids are grown and gone on their own, retirement is in place, and time spent with their dog is not limited. But here are some of my concerns as I see them routinely, and suggestions on what works best.

  1. Puppies nip, bite, scratch, and jump! Many seniors are on medications that cause their skin to bleed more quickly when scratched or broken. Additionally, our skin thins as we age.
  2. Jumping is dangerous, especially when the puppy or dog is large.
  3. Pulling on a leash when walking is always a primary problem for pet parents. For seniors with limited mobility or other physical restrictions, being pulled or jerked by a dog on a leash is an accident waiting to happen.
  4. Being tangled or tripped is another leash-walking issue I often encounter when working with pet parents. For seniors, this could be devastatingly risky.
  5. Small-breed dogs may seem like the obvious answer to not being pulled or jumped on and knocked down, but tripping over a small dog is always a looming danger.

If a pet parent is physically challenged or whose balance is not good, fear of falling is always present with thoughts of broken hips and other extensive injuries in mind.

Adult, trained dogs are an excellent option for seniors. All the housetraining routine walks, getting up in the middle of the night, teething, chewing, whining, biting, jumping, and pulling may no longer be a concern. Routine puppy vaccines and veterinary office visits have been completed.

What could be better than saving a dog’s life by getting a rescue?

Using a five- or six-foot leash will give a pet parent better control when walking a dog. Retractable leashes offer the least control and are dangerous for both the pet parent and the dog.

Investing in a few lessons with a professional dog trainer to help teach your dog to walk without pulling, crossing in front of you, or winding the leash around your legs is well worth it. This is done through at-home visits by the trainer and not puppy classes at retail stores. You must work with a trainer who will teach YOU and your dog.

If walking is too difficult but a large-breed dog is more desirable, consider a dog walker. That way, you can have all the companionship and even protection that large-breed dogs provide without the worry of walking.

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