It’s not too late to help your dog cope with loud noises like July 4th fireworks, the garbage truck, or the vacuum. Man-made booming noises are more intense in volume and emerge with more of a sudden boom than thunder and without the warning of a rolling, escalating rumble.

Imagine your puppy hearing a barrage of explosive sounds, especially for the first time, and how frightening that would be. There’s no need to feel helpless. You can help your dog overcome the anxiety of loud noises, whether they are emanating from holiday celebrations, mother nature, or common household appliances.

As a child, I spent part of the summer visiting my grandmother. She lived near the beach but was only a city block from the el-train, short for elevated trains or railways.  The noise was like no other. Though I wasn’t frightened, per se, by the noise, it was responsible for many sleepless nights. The good news is that the noise seemed less disturbing as the days passed. The train’s thunderous noise went unnoticed, and the nights became peaceful and uninterrupted as time passed.

Exposure therapy is a technique used to treat anxiety disorders. Behavior therapy, in which a human or a canine is exposed to the source of fear or anxiety in a safe, controlled environment, has proven very effective.

Play a recording of loud trucks, motorcycles, vacuums, or fireworks, with the volume set as low as possible but just enough for your dog to hear. The recording should not cause anxiety if it’s almost undetectable during playtime or mealtime. Remember, his hearing is many times better than yours. During this time, do something with your dog that he enjoys. It could be playing fetch or even a belly rub if your dog is distracted by something enjoyable.

This exposure method works very well for dogs who fear thunder, lawnmowers, leaf blowers, dishwashers, hair blowers, and vacuums. Practice this exposure technique a few times daily, but only for ten to fifteen (10-15) minutes each time. If successful, increase the volume ever so slightly as long as your dog does not show signs of stress, fear, or discomfort.

Every dog is different, just like every human. Some dogs respond better to behavior therapy methods than others. This method is worth trying. Give it chance over a few days and remember to start with the lowest volumn and while doing something with your dog that is fun and distracting. Continue if each practice succeeds.


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